My Portfolio
Welcome to My Portfolio! Here, you'll find a modest collection of my projects, each representing a step in my journey of learning and exploration.

JavaPoke stands as a recreation of the final four battle from the original Pokemon game using Java. Implementing the Model-View-Controller (MVC) model and relying on object-oriented programming, the project introduced classes for players, opponents, Pokemon, items, and more. The collaborative development process involved a teammate, utilizing GitHub for version control, ensuring a well-structured file system and proper class categorization. Constant communication with the instructor facilitated feedback and direction, with a primary focus on refining the fighting mechanics and overall flow of the game.
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In WTE4D (What The Eff's For Dinner), a dynamic website co-developed with a teammate, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript were employed, utilizing GitHub for version control. To overcome CORS issues when calling the Yelp API, we implemented AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda functions. The site integrates the Yelp API for restaurant searches based on user inputs such as location, food type, price range, distance, and result quantity. The website dynamically generates cards displaying restaurant details, including name, rating, and price. Users can interact with these cards, revealing additional information and even remove restaurants from the list. An added touch includes sound clips triggered by user interactions with buttons, enhancing the overall user experience.
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Fishekai is a Java-based text adventure game crafted in collaboration with two teammates. Utilizing GitHub for version control and Azure DevOps for ticket management, the project emulated real-world development scenarios with the instructor serving as both advisor and customer. Developed through three-day sprints, the game embraced best agile practices and minimum viable product (MVP) releases. Daily scrum meetings fostered collaboration with other teams, ensuring shared problem-solving and information exchange. The game features multiple endings, incorporates in-game music and sound effects, and emphasizes survival mechanics, requiring players to monitor the character's health for a truly immersive experience.
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This project aims to provide a hands-on learning experience for mastering the diverse technologies involved in full-stack development, including Java Spring Boot for the backend, React for the frontend, and MongoDB for database management.
Render Limitations:Render spins down a Free web service that goes 15 minutes without receiving inbound traffic. Render spins the service back up whenever it next receives a request to process. Spinning up a service takes a few seconds, which causes a noticeable delay for incoming requests until the service is back up and running. For example, a browser page load will hang momentarily.
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Contact Me
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Let's connect! Whether you have a question, a project idea, or just want to say hello, I'm always eager to hear from you. Feel free to reach out via email, connect on LinkedIn, or explore my GitHub. Looking forward to the opportunity to engage and collaborate!